Vigilance and risks
Risk management and assessment are at the heart of the structuring of companies’ CSR approaches. Successive regulations have given it a central role: the French law and future European directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD) and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
Risk assessment practices are now being rethought around the concept of double materiality, which clarifies the difference between the impact on third parties and the impact of CSR issues on the organisation.
Risk assessment practices are now being rethought around the concept of double materiality, which clarifies the difference between the impact on third parties and the impact of CSR issues on the organisation.
Through its parent company A2 Consulting, co-manager of the Prix du Plan de Vigilance with the Forum pour l’Investissement Responsable (FIR), ASEA has a global vision of market best practices and stakeholder expectations (NGOs, investors, local authorities, etc.) in terms of due diligence and supplier CSR risk management.
CSR risk mapping
Risk mapping is the cornerstone of a CSR risk management system. It enables to:
Prioritise activities, spend categories and suppliers according to their level of CSR risk
Analyse your gaps and define action plans
Track your progress in reducing CSR risks
Justify your investment choices to your management and stakeholders
Optimise your ROI (Return On Investment) in risk management
Meet the requirements of regulations (CSRD, Duty of Vigilance/CSDDD) and key standards (RFAR label, ISO 20400)
Our main solution : CartoRisk
The CartoRisk tool can be calibrated and adjusted according to your CSR challenges, types of activity, spend categories and risk framework. We can also customise the way in which your teams are involved in the risk assessment process.
CartoRisk is based on a rating method aligned with national and international standards (CSRD, Duty of Vigilance/CSDDD, ISO 20400, ISO 31000) and uses several sources of information to avoid simplistic and erroneous assessments.
CartoRisk has been used by more than 50 organisations of various sizes and sectors. Over the course of these projects, we have tested and refined our rating method so that it can be easily adopted by non-experts in the field.
Between sophistication and pragmatism, the CartoRisk tool is the perfect compromise to avoid an over-simplistic solution or, on the contrary, the “gas factory” effect.
The duty of vigilance diagnostic
The duty of vigilance establishes a company’s responsibility to exercise vigilance over its impacts in terms of human rights, fundamental freedoms, health, safety and the environment, throughout its own activities and its supply chain.
Since 2017, the French law on duty of care has required around 250 companies operating in France to implement and publish (annually) a duty of vigilance plan. The European directive on due diligence, which was published 2024, will affect around 450 companies operating in France.
Our main solution : duty of vigilance diagnostic
Interpret texts, understand and convey the expectations of the regulator(s).
Assess the level of maturity of your duty of vigilance framework, using our “Vigilance Plan Award” methodology (250 vigilance plans assessed over the last 6 years).
Benchmark against market players to identify relevant areas for improvement.
Develop a roadmap including prioritised objectives and projects, indicators and a monitoring system.
Cas client : Bouygues
Le Groupe Bouygues est une multinationale opérant dans six métiers essentiels : la construction, l’immobilier, l’énergie, les routes, les télécoms et les médias. Il est face à des exigences accrues concernant le Devoir de Vigilance (DDV) qu’il exerce sur ses activités propres et ses chaînes d’approvisionnement, sur les enjeux de santé/sécurité, d’environnement et de Droits Humains.