Low carbon procurement

The supply chain revolution

Procurement accounts for the largest share of an organisation’s carbon footprint. Managing carbon has therefore become a major issue for buying organisations and suppliers. To implement this necessary decarbonisation of organisations and their often complex supply chains, understanding both procurement mechanisms and decarbonisation mechanisms is essential.

The Asea team, made up of multi-skilled experts (Climate, Environmental Management, Procurement and Supplier Relationships), is particularly active on this topic. It has made an active contribution to the drafting of future questions linked to decarbonisation of procurement in the RFAR label and regularly takes part in plenary sessions on these subjects. Asea is also currently piloting in France an innovative tool called the “CO2 Performance Ladder“, initiated in the Netherlands. Based on a procurement mechanism, this CO2 Performance Ladder has shown that it stimulates the decarbonisation of suppliers twice as fast as usual.


Our main solution : Low carbon procurement

Carry out a low carbon procurement gap analysis; develop recommendations

Measure the carbon footprint of your purchases

Develop your strategy for decarbonising your procurement

Manage your spend carbon footprint with your colleagues and suppliers

Provide operational solutions

Raise awareness and train the procurement profession on climate change and decarbonisation issues

Our value proposition

Our knowledge of the ABC (Association Bas Carbone) methodology and the certification of our teams.

Our expertise in sustainable procurement and the ISO 20400 methodology adapted to carbon and our risk mapping methodology including climate risks.

Our digital approach to managing carbon data and our knowledge of softwares

Our expertise in environmental management through operational support to reduce environmental impacts in various sectors.

Our sectoral/business approach, particularly around the following sectors: fashion and textiles, transport, logistics and mobility, construction and public works, agri-food.

Our main solution : Diagnostic Achats et Climat – Recommandations

We can conduct a full gap analysis in regards to low carbon procurement, covering the following issues:

Decarbonisation targets, procurement strategies & reporting

Integrating carbon into risk mapping and procurement carbon measurement

Providing buyers with professional training on climate issues

Integrating carbon into relations with procurement stakeholders (suppliers, internal clients, NGOs)

Integrating carbon into the entire procurement process (planning, selection and management)

Integrating carbon costs into the overall acquisition cost (TCO, internal price of carbon, etc.)

Cas clients : FDJ

FDJ – Française des Jeux

Le Groupe FDJ est une société française de jeux de loterie et de paris en ligne. Il est face à des exigences accrues concernant la réduction de son impact carbone sur ses activités propres et sur ses achats, ces derniers représentant 98 % de l’ensemble de son empreinte Carbone. Le Groupe est engagé dans une démarche de trajectoire de réduction validée auprès de l’initiative Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) sur ces deux volets.

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