CO₂ Performance Ladder

Powerful low-carbon procurement tool

The CO₂ Performance Ladder (CO2PL) is an innovative and powerful tool, offering clients the opportunity to massively reduce their carbon emissions from procurement.

The system includes a robust, certifiable carbon management system for service providers, with a five-level maturity scale. The solution is also supplemented by carbon ambition criteria specific to the subject of the contract, which purchasers can incorporate into their tenders.

Discover a tool that ties in perfectly with the Green Industry Act (Loi Industrie Verte – France).

This solution uses the framework of Requests for Tenders (RFTs) to accelerate the decarbonisation of supply chains, while using a clear and accessible framework for both buyers and suppliers. Its simplicity, pragmatism and adaptability make it particularly well-suited to public procurement. It ensures that service providers commit to a dynamic process of continuous improvement in the reduction of their supply chain emissions, going beyond carbon accounting alone.

With 15 years of use in the Netherlands and Belgium, 5,000 certified organisations and more than 300 customers, this collective scheme has proved its worth. Two key figures demonstrate its significant impact:

  • More than 80% of EPC-certified organisations are small or very small businesses, highlighting its accessibility to small structures,
  • Studies show that the activities of service providers using the CO2PL reduce emissions twice as fast as with conventional methods.

Our CO₂ Performance Ladder services

More information on the website of our partner SKAO:

Support for pilot testing of the system by Procurement Authorities

Support for pilot testing of the system by Procurement Authorities

Our value proposal

Our in-depth knowledge of the challenges and expectations of Procurement Authorities and the supplier ecosystem in terms of low-carbon procurement.

Our expertise in sustainable procurement and ISO 20400 methodology adapted to CO2.

Our expertise in procurement and CO2: contributing to the carbon-related questions in the RFAR label methodology, co-hosting an upcoming white paper on the best practices of RFAR-certified companies in this area, leading a working group on the issue with ObsAR, Pacte PME, etc.

Our 360° knowledge of the technical and methodological solutions already on the market: carbon measurement platforms (GCI, SWEEP, SAMI, etc.), low-carbon approaches for all sectors such as the French ACT, Decarbon’action diagnostics, etc., or sector-specific approaches such as CO2 Objective for Transport.

Our full understanding of Management Systems specifically linked to the environment (experienced ISO 14001 auditors within our team).

Our participation in the drafting of the future French experimental “Triple E” standard as part of the French Green Industry Act.

The SKAO Foundation

The SKAO Foundation is leading the European-wide implementation of the CO2PL and has entered into a partnership with Asea to test it in France from October 2023 to December 2025.

Ireland, Germany, the UK and Denmark are also currently launching trials.

Four large pilot organisations have agreed to take part in this trial phase, and others are in the process of joining. The collective trial is open to any interested organisation, for a limited financial contribution, which entitles them to tailored support and exchanges between peers who are already using the solution.

Interested in the scheme?

Contact us now to schedule a demo.