Logo Bouygues NB
Cas client


The Bouygues Group is a multinational operating in six core businesses: construction, property, energy, roads, telecoms and media. It is faced with increasing demands concerning the Duty of Vigilance that it exercises over its own activities and its supply chains, on issues of health and safety, the environment and human rights.

The mission


  • Assessed the maturity of the vigilance system in place within the Group and each of its six business lines
  • Codeveloped a methodology for mapping Duty of Vigilance-related risks that is robust, compliant with regulation and adaptable to the specificities of each of the Group’s business lines
  • Developed bespoke risk management systems to improve Bouygues’ due diligence and responsibility throughout the supply chain
Asea's response
  • Assessed the Group’s Duty of Vigilance system, based on a benchmark by the Vigilance Plan Prize (Prix Plan de Vigilance) awarded by A2 Consulting and on 40 Bouygues interviews
  • Developed a proprietary tool for mapping the risks associated with the Duty of Vigilance, within the scope of own activities and supply chain, coconstructed with the Group’s six business lines
  • Strategic and operational recommendations

What customers say

“The expertise, relevance and flexibility of their method, their ability to get to grips with the issues despite their complexity, and their commitment to working alongside us have enabled us to significantly improve the robustness of our approach to the risks associated with the Duty of Vigilance. A sign of its usefulness, the support provided has been extended to some of the Group’s other business lines.”