Logo Maisons du Monde
Cas client

Maisons du Monde

The Maisons du Monde Group has been committed to CSR for many years and has created a Foundation in partnership with the Nicolas Hulot Foundation.

The Maisons du Monde Group was preparing its 2024 CSR roadmap and wished to structure its sustainable procurement approach.

The mission


  • Reviewed the current risk mitigation plan, in the context of the Duty of Vigilance
  • Reviewed the mapping of procurement and ESG risks linked to suppliers

A new Vigilance plan that integrates the considerations and lessons learned after studying the plans of CAC40 companies, as well as a more robust mapping of ESG risks.

Asea's response

After reviewing the tools put in place by Maisons du Monde, presentation of:

  • The expected outcome of the law on the Duty of Vigilance and the Sapin II law
  • A benchmark of other company practices
  • Tools for regularly updating risk mapping
  • Extra-financial rating agencies’ focus on ESG risk management

Asea advises and supports

major groups, SMEs, business groups and public organisations operating in a variety of sectors. We offer our solutions to principals and subcontractors in industry (construction, electronics, mechanical engineering, etc.), services (agri-food, energy, catering, transport, etc.) and distribution.

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