The Sustainable Procurement Fresk is here!

Dans la droite lignée de la Fresque du Climat qui a conçu un atelier ludique et pratique pour sensibiliser aux impacts du changement climatique, la Fresque des Achats Responsables entend réconcilier profitabilité et durabilité.

Following on from The Climate Fresk, which designed a fun, practical workshop to raise awareness of the impact of climate change, the Fresque des Achats Responsables aims to reconcile profitability and sustainability.

The workshop, which is designed to be collaborative, is divided into three phases:

  • Interactive awareness-raising, to discover the impact of your purchasing decisions
  • “In the shoes of the buyer”, to visualise and act effectively
  • Debriefing and concrete actions, to define sustainable purchasing strategies

The impact of a responsible purchasing strategy on the sustainability of our world and our economy no longer needs to be demonstrated, and The Sustainable Procurement Fresk provides a clear understanding of the mechanisms and issues involved.
This workshop is a fantastic educational tool for procurement teams, general management and the general public.

In December 2024, Mathilde LÉONNET, Asea Senior Consultant, was given a preview of how to run this mural, designed by the association of the same name.

If you would like to find out more about this workshop, please contact us. We can run this Fresque for your teams, to help them buy more sustainably.

To follow a Fresk workshop

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